Sky Vs Virgin Media in Ireland

If you are looking for the cheapest TV, Broadband and Home Phone package there are usually special offers or discounts available from both Sky and Virgin Media. How do Sky and Virgin Media Broadband and TV bundles compare on price – and what do you get for your money? These two companies are the biggest […]
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Best Broadband Deals for Students

Having broadband available in a student house is pretty much an essential requirement  – for all that online   gaming …   studying that will be going on.Most college provided or purpose-built student accommodation will usually have broadband included as part of the rental agreement – but for those who will be living in shared houses […]
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Financial Help With Internet Access During Covid-19 Crisis

It was announced today that all the major internet providers in Ireland have signed up to a Telecommunications Consumer Charter. This is a set of commitments to assist and help customers in the use of electronic communications during the COVID-19 Pandemic. This was announced by the Telecommunications Industry Ireland. So far it has been signed […]
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