Budget 2012 – Summary of Main Points

 Budget 2012 – Day One Main Points

Budget Day Two Main Points Here

Child Benefit reduced for 3rd and subsequent children – so that in 2 years time all children will receive €140 a month each – see more details here of Child Benefit Cuts.

Disability Allowance – The rates of payment for new claimants aged 18 to 21 are being cut from €188 to €100 a week .The rate for new claimants aged 22 to 24 is being cut from €188 to €144 a week. More Details Here   Underi8’s can no longer claim it .

Drugs Payment Scheme threshold to increase from €120 to €132 (savings of €12m)

Student registration charge –  increase of €250

Jobseekers Benefit –  The  payment week for jobseekers’ benefit will now be based on a five-day week rather than the existing six-day week . This will only affect claimants working part-time.

One Parent Allowance – no longer qualify after child reaches age 7 – more details of One Parent Allowance Cuts here

Rent Supplement – The minimum contribution by single tenants towards rent for the purposes of the Rent Supplement scheme to increase by €6 to €30 per week. The minimum contribution payable by couples will be €35 per week. (January 2012)

Winter Fuel Allowance – which is €20 a week and paid to people on low incomes or aged 66 and over :  the payout period will be cut by six weeks  ( reduced from 32 weeks to 26 weeks) – a total cut of €120  a year.

New post graduate students will no longer  receive maintenance grants

Back to school allowance of €200 will be abolished for two and three year olds.

Also Back to School allowance to be cut from €305 to €250 (aged 12 plus) and cut from €200 to €150 (11 and under)

School Funding – total cuts of   €24m a year  including   A reduction in capitation grants to schools of  2% in 2012 and 2013 and cuts of 1% in 2014 and 2015 Supervision/Substitution scheme – reduction in the administration fee payable to schools from 5% to 2% from 2012.

Abolition of Modern Languages in Primary Schools Initiative from 2012

School Transport : Primary charge increased from €50 to €100 and the maximum  primary family payment increased from €110  to €220

The grant of €635 paid at birth on all multiple births and further grants of €635 paid when the children are 4 years of age and 12 years of age will be abolished.