Disability Allowance Cuts in Budget 2012

Disability Allowance – Budget 2012
The age of  entitlement for new claimants is being raised to 18 in line with other social welfare payments. (16 and 17 year olds will no longer be able to claim Disability Allowance)  BUT –  The age of entitlement for Domiciliary Care Allowance will be extended from 16 years to 18 years of age.

The  rates of payment for new claimants aged 18 to 21 are being cut from €188 to €100 a week .
The rate for new claimants aged 22 to 24  is being cut from €188 to  €144  a week.

Changes take effect from January 2012

UPDATE  ( On 7 December it was announced that these changes are  under review and may not be implemented.)