Mobile Phone Roaming Charges

This information is from 2011

Find the The latest updates on on EU Roaming Charges Here.

Many people may have been hit by large mobile phone bills after being abroad during the summer. Mobile phone roaming charges have become cheaper in recent years – but just how much extra does it actually cost to use your mobile phone when overseas?

On Pay as You Go and Bill Pay plans – there are maximum charges that can be applied or making and receiving calls and texts when you are in the EU .

Roaming Charges within EU Countries:

Meteor don’t charge extra for using your mobile phone in the EU

Meteor Pay As You Go customers  can pay 12c for a text and 29c for a phone call back home while Bill Pay customers are charged 10c for  texts and 25c for calls home. Receiving  calls is totally free on Meteor. (You have to opt in)

EU Roaming Charges for  O2, Vodafone, Three, Tesco Prepay and Bill  Pay are all the  same rates –

Cost of making a call to Ireland  or other EU country – 42c per minute
Cost of receiving a call (from anywhere) – 13c per minute
Cost of sending text message – 13c (Free to receive)

Three offer  “3 Like Home”  in some countries – meaning you can make and recieve calls at the same rates as if you were still in Ireland. Available on prepay in the UK, Italy, Austria, Denmark and Sweden. On Bill Pay it is available in extra countries – Australia and Hong Kong.

Roaming Charges for Other European Countries are not regulated and differ slightly between network providers and country.
( Countries include – Albania, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia , Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Russia,  Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine)

Sample Roaming Charges for   CROATIA

Cost of making a call to Ireland
€1.09 per minute with O2
– €1.69  per minute with Meteor and Tesco
– €1.75 per minute with Three
– €1.99 per minute with Vodafone

Cost of receiving a call  from Ireland
– €1.09 O2
– €1.59 per minute  Meteor and Tesco
– €1.75 with Three
– €1.99  Vodafone

Cost of sending a text message
29c Vodafone
35c Three
39c  Tesco + Meteor
39c  O2

Be aware that in countries outside Europe – in Africa and South America  there are  roaming charges as high as €2.75 per minute when making calls back to Ireland.

Figures Correct as at 7th July 2011