google pay ireland

Bank Cards that can be used with Google Pay in Ireland

Google Pay (formerly Android Pay) is a method of paying for things using an Android phone or tablet. Similar to Apple Pay - it is a digital wallet where you can store your bank card details on your ...
bank charges

Charges on Current Bank Accounts in Ireland

The majority of the banks in Ireland have some sort of transaction fees or admin charges on current bank accounts. The options for current bank accounts in Ireland are smaller in 2024 since Ulster Bank and KBC have ...

Switching Current Account

How easy is it to switch current bank accounts ? There are about  5 million current accounts held in Irish banks . The number of people switching current accounts from one credit institution to another under the Central ...

Switching Credit Card

There are several credit card companies in Ireland that do introductory offers of zero interest or low interest to people switching switch credit card provider. All these credit card offers are for new customers and they usually allow ...