Milanos Offers and Discount Voucher Codes

Milanos Restaurants usually have special discount voucher codes that get you money off food and drink – sometimes as much as 40% off !

If you avoid buying expensive wines or beers and order just tap water instead  – it can work out at quite good value for a meal.  Milano sells a good selection of Pizzas , pasta dishes and some salads.

Get the latest Milano Discount Voucher Code here.

If there isn’t a current voucher available, just check back in a few weeks; there will probably be another one.

See more Discount Vouchers and Codes for Ireland

Milano Restaurants  can be found in the following locations in Ireland

Dublin  Dawson Street, Temple Bar, IFSC , Dundrum, Grand Canal Harbour , Haddington Rd, Ranelagh. Liffey Valley , Blanchardstown

Outside Dublin in : Cork, Galway, Limerick, Ennis and Killarney.
They usually do takeaway orders and have a children’s menu.

Milano Discount Voucher Codes

If you are in the UK – Milano’s equivalent there is Pizza Express – and they also have regular discount vouchers available online here .

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