Jobseeker’s Benefit
The duration of Jobseeker’s Benefit will be reduced from 12 months to 9 months for recipients with 260 or more contributions paid.
The duration of Jobseeker’s Benefit will be reduced from 9 months to 6 months for recipients with less than 260 contributions paid.
These measures come into effect on April 3rd 2013. Note: Claimants getting Jobseeker’s Benefit for 6 months or more (or 3 months in the case of those with less than 260 contributions paid) on April 3rd will not be affected.
Household Benefits Package :
The Telephone Allowance will be reduced from €22.58 to a new monthly rate of €9.50 . That is a cut of €157 a year. Effective Jan 2013.
The Electricity/Gas Allowance will be set at a single rate of €35 per month – it was previously set at 150 units a month . Previously when prices rose the allowance rose – now it is fixed unless another budget increases it.
Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance
The Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance will reduce from €250 to €200 for children aged 12 years and over and from €150 to €100 for children aged 4-11 years
The €300 Cost of Education Allowance payable to Back to Education Allowance participants will be stopped for new and existing participants
Just to clarify on the cut to Jobseekers do you need to be getting the allowance for more than 6 months on 3rd April 2013 not to be affected
this country is a joke low to medium income earners are footing the bill to pay the unguaranteed gambles of the invisible men called the bondholders and even now the high society of ireland who benefited from the celtic tiger are again left untouched… fine gael are as bad as fianna fail, everything is the same only a different colour.