Third Level Education and Budget 2012

In our “Knowledge Economy ” – you would hope that education would be a priority for the Government – but these are the changes (cuts)  affecting  Third-level education announced in Budget 2012

The student “contribution” is increased by €250 per year from the academic year 2012/2013.

The student grant is being cut  by 3%. This reduction applies to existing and new grant-holders from January 2012.

New postgraduate students who would  have qualified for the special rate of student grant will now only get a grant towards fees grant. They will not get a maintenance grant. Existing grant-holders will not be affected.
But – some good news – a  €2,000 fee grant will be paid to a further 4,000 students.

The allocation to the Fund for Students with Disabilities is reduced by 20%.

Core funding for higher education is reduced by 2% in both 2012 and 2013, a further 1% reduction in both 2014 and in 2015.  (Total 6% cut by 2015)

The Technological Sector research programme will be terminated.