Self Build Houses and Property Tax Liability

There has been some confusion about property tax exemption on homes that have recently been built by the owner – or are in the process of being built.  For some self builders  – the house might be their first home and they may be elegible for the “first time buyers exemption .

Firstly – Revenue have stated that any residential property built by its owner after 1 May 2013 and before 1 November 2016, will not be liable for LPT until 2017.  We have to assume that when they say “built” they mean completed.

If a house  is completed before 1 May 2013, the property will be subject to LPT, unless the person who self-builds the property is eligible for first time buyer exemption and occupies the property as his or her sole or main residence.

The first time buyer exemption is for houses purchased by a first time buyer between 1 January 2013 and 31 December 2013 – they are  exempt until the end of 2016.

More about Property Tax Exemptions

3 thoughts on “Self Build Houses and Property Tax Liability

  1. Property tax should be abolished in the next election. Why not cut spending instead? Why not a wealth tax instead? We don’t need a property tax if we reduced our expenditure. All the taxes in the world won’t dent a deficit unless spending is reduced. We came through the 1980’s without any property tax.

  2. i am living in the uk ,
    i have a house in ireland still under construction , very close to being finished but not finished yet ,
    we have no plans as yet to move back to ireland to live ,
    where do we stand in the property tax situation ?

    • Brian – as it says in the article above “Revenue have stated that any residential property built by its owner after 1 May 2013 and before 1 November 2016, will not be liable for LPT until 2017.”
      If the house you ae building was not complete on May 1st then it is not liable until 2017.

      It might be a good idea to keep some kind of evidence to show the state of the house on MAy 1st in case Revenue ever query it.

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