Property Tax Protest March in Dublin on Saturday

A National Protest march against the Property Tax  is set for 12.30 pm this Saturday, April 13 in Dublin, The demonstration will gather at Parnell Square at 12.30pm and march to Dublin Castle to greet the EU Finance Ministers.  It is being organised by CAHWT (Campaign against House and Water Taxes)

In a note to it’s members – the CPSU didn’t sound too keen – they said that the Union has consistently called for a Wealth Tax and the Property tax does not meet that demand. While no decision to support a campaign of civil disobedience such as office occupations has been made by the union – it has informed it’s members about  the national demonstration against the LPT .

Unite – another major public sector union have said that it is supporting the protest and  is  encouraging members to join the march this Saturday, April 13th. Unite members have been asked to meet at Wynns Hotel on Lower Middle Abbey Street before moving on to the Garden of remembrance at 1230pm.

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2 thoughts on “Property Tax Protest March in Dublin on Saturday

  1. is there a bus leaving Castlebar, co Mayo for the demonstration on sat 13th april ?

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