Household Charge – Who Has to Pay ?

We have had loads of visits to this website from people trying to find out more information  about the Household Charge and asking if they have to pay it.

You can register for the charge online at or you can get registration forms from your  local authority or the Local Government Management Agency on 1890-357357 or 01-2224000 .
Nobody will get a bill – owners are expected to register for the charge themselves. Leaflets are supposed to have been sent to every home during February. See Household Charge Leaflet here .

If you own a house in Ireland – you will  be liable for the Household Charge unless the property is exempt or you qualify for a waiver . Full details of Exemptions and Waivers on Household Charge here

These are some of the questions we get asked about the Household Charge.

Are pensioners liable for the Household Charge ?
Do lone parents have to pay the Household Charge  ?
Do Disabled people have to pay the Household Charge  ?
Do unemployed people have to pay the Household Charge ?

The answer to all these questions is  YESunless you are getting Mortgage Interest Supplement . All the above  are liable for Household Tax if they own a house. The legislation does not include any other reductions , allowances waivers or exemptions for low income households. A millionaire pays the same as a pensioner on the basic pension.

Is there any exemption if I paid Stamp Duty in the last few years?   NO

I pay management fees to a property developer – do I have to pay the Household Charge t0o?  YES

I own a house in Ireland but I live abroad – do I have to pay the Household Charge?  YES  (And the NPPR)

I am in negative equity – am I exempt?  NO

I haven’t had a bill for this charge – do I have to pay?  YES  .

I have been told that I do not have to pay the Household Charge because it is a Statute and I have to give my consent.  This is not True.  If you own a house in Ireland and it is not an exempt property and you don’t qualify for a Waiver – you need to register and pay.

My house is up for sale – do I still have to pay the charge?  YES – if you owned the house on Jan 1st 2012 you are liable for 2012.

I bought affordable housing – am I liable ?  YES

Is shared ownership housing exempt ? YES

I own an old derelict house – is it liable for the Household Charge?  NO – only houses that are occupied or suitable for occupation are liable.

Do I have to pay the Household Charge on a holiday home ?  – YES you do and you should also be paying the NPPR – see more about NPPR here

I am a tenant – do I have to pay the Household Charge ?  NO

I get Mortgage Interest Relief – does that mean I am exempt from the Household Tax?  NO  – but there is a waiver for people getting Mortgage Interest Supplement.

If I pay the NPPR on a house – do I have to pay the Household Charge too ? YES
Full details of Exemptions and Waivers on Household Charge

I rent out a house under the Rental Accommodation Scheme  – is it exempt from the Household Charge?  NO
Some of the search terms people are using when looking for details about the Household Charge…
new irish house charge
house hold tax payment
house charges website
irish house tax
property charge 2012
household registration charge ireland