Cost of Calling 0818 Numbers in Ireland

The use of 0818 numbers has become much more common in Ireland since 2022 as the 0818 prefix replaced ALL 1890 , 1850 and 076  prefixes in December 2021

Are Calls to 0818 Numbers Free ?

The charge for calling 0818 numbers from a landline or mobile is the same as calling any other landline number in Ireland.

Calls to 0818 numbers are NOT free. However – any calls made to 0818 numbers must be included in any “free” call bundles in your phone provider’s contract. This applies to mobile contracts, PAYG bundles and Landline contracts/bundles.
So – if your bundle , contract or top-up plan includes “free” call minutes – then any 0818 calls will be “free” until you have used up all the inclusive minutes in your contract or bundle.
On Pay-as-You-go plans – you will pay the same rate for calls to 0818 numbers as any other calls to Irish landlines.

An 0818 number is classed as a Non Geographic Number (NGN) .  Unlike normal geographic (landline) numbers –  an NGN does not relate to a particular geographic area (eg 01 for Dublin , 061 for Limerick).

The 0818 telephone prefix has been around in Ireland for a few years – but many people were not aware of the cost of calling 0818 numbers in Ireland.

call costs

The 0818 prefix is used by several businesses, other organisations and many government departments.
Calls to 0818 numbers are treated as a “national rate” landline number . This made sense in the days of national and local rates – when Eircom landlines were the main way to make telephone calls.

In December 2019 , COMREG made all telecoms providers in Ireland include 0818, 1890, 1850 and 076 numbers in all call bundles. Most phone providers did not include 0818 numbers in free call bundles before Dec 2019.

Although a call to an 0818 number was always supposed to be charged as a call to any landline number – prior to December 2019 – 0818 calls were NOT usually included in any inclusive bundles by the telecoms companies.

Only Vodafone mobile included 0818 numbers in bundles before December 2019 . This meant that many people, who had mobile or landline plans with inclusive landline calls, ended up paying extra charges for calls to 0818 numbers .

Since December 2019 – all 0818 calls have to be included in any “free” call bundles in your phone contract. This applies to mobile contracts, PAYG bundles and Landline bundles.

These are some sample  phone provider charge rates for calls to 0818 numbers . (it is the same charge as a call to any landline)

These charges only apply if you make calls “out of bundle” (figures from 2023)

  • Tesco Mobile : 32c per min
  • Eir Mobile  : 15c per min
  • Vodafone : 34c per min
  • Eir mobile : 30c per min
  • Three Mobile : 38c per min