moneyguide ireland

Euro to Pound Exchange Rate News

October 31st 2024 11:00 Euro to Pound Exchange rate today is at £0.8369Pound to Euro Exchange rate today is at €1.1949 €1 EURis worth£0.8369 Pounds£1 GBPis worth€1.1949 Euro€10,000 EUROis worth£8369 Pounds£10,000 GBPis worth€11949 EuroSterling to Euro Exchange Rate ...
Exchange Money

Where to Get the Best Currency Exchange Rates

Moving Large Sums? Get Better Currency Transfer Rates. Are you planning a property purchase in Ireland or sending a sizable sum abroad? Whether you're relocating, managing overseas savings, or transferring a pension lump sum, large international money transfers ...
Send Money to England

Transferring Money To The UK From Ireland.

What is the Best Way of Sending Money from Ireland to the UK ? Thousands of Irish people have links with family, work or study in the UK. As a result, the need for currency conversion and transferring ...
uk bank

Opening a UK Bank Account From Ireland.

Thousands of people have family, work or property interests in both Ireland and the UK.Many hundreds of people have a home in Ireland but work in Northern Ireland or other parts of the UK. Those people will be ...
Buying Australian Dollars in Ireland

Buying Australian Dollars in Ireland

If you are planning on travelling to Australia for a few months or longer -  it can be wise to bring some cash with you.  You might want to compare the Euro to AUD exchange rates on offer ...
uk bank

Euro Sterling Exchange Rate History

In 1999 the Euro was made the official currency of Ireland - but it only existed as 'book money' for 3 years. After a transition period, Euro banknotes and coins were introduced in Ireland on 1 January 2002 ...