Water Metering Not Expected to be Complete Until 2016

As we mentioned last week – John Mullins, chief executive of Bord Gáis, which is in charge of Irish Water, said it could take 2½ to three years to fully install meters in the 1.05 million eligible homes.

Bord Gais –   the company  which is in charge of Irish Water, has now  confirmed that just over 75 per cent of  eligible homes are now expected  to have their meters installed before the end of 2015  – but it will be the end of 2016 before all qualifying homes  have meters installed .

Installation of water meters is due to begin in  July 2013  and water charging  is due to begin in 2014  – but it looks like  only  160,000 meters will have been installed by then.
The proposed rates  of water charges are due to be published in July 2013 by the Commission for Energy Regulation.

It is still not clear  how homes that won’t  have meters installed  in time will be charged while they wait for a meter. It is likely that  an “assessed charge” will be put in place based on the size of the house and number of people living there .  But this will me a massive exercise in itself  – to confirm household sizes.

A pilot survey to establish the number and location of stopcocks in three local authority areas, Fingal, Kerry and Wexford, was supposed to due to begin this month but it is now not expected to begin until at least  the middle of November.

Bord Gáis is tendering  in the “coming weeks”  for water meters and intends to have selected a meter for national use by early 2013.
The boundary boxes, which  will be fitted into the ground to  hold the meters, are being procured separately by the Department of the Environment.  It appears that the  meters and the boundary  boxes will be fitted separately – meaning two visits maybe even by two different contractors.

Bord Gáis will be writing to all properties  connected to the public water mains next May asking them to confirm personal details so they can be set up as customers of Irish Water ready for billing.