One of the biggest infrastructure projects in Ireland will be starting in the next few weeks – the installation of over 1 million water meters . It will involve 27000 installations a month on average – over 3 years. The cost of the metering exercise is thought to be in the region of €500 Million.
The contracts to install the meters were split into 8 different regions – and just 3 companies have been awarded these lucrative contracts.
The three Regional Managment Contractors are
1 Murphy Group
2. Coffey Northumbrian Ltd ( A partnership between Coffey Group and Nothumbrian Water. British company Northumbrian Water is owned by Cheung Kong Infrastructure, a company backed by the Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing – who also owns 3 Ireland.)
3. GMC / Sierra – a joint venture between GMC Utilities and Sierra.
Sierra is part of Siteserv – which was recently bought by a company linked to billionaire Denis O’Brien. There was some controversy about the purchase because it involved the write off of large debts to Anglo Irish Bank – read more about that here .
The 3 regional contractors will have access to a panel of local approved subcontractors – but they don’t have to use them.
The government are saying there will be 1600 new jobs as a result of the water metering project . Apparently the tender contracts included conditions that at least 10% of the jobs have to go to the unemployed, 10% to Small to Medium enterprises and 5% to apprentices ,school leavers or graduates. It is not clear how, or if , these employment targets will be monitored or what will happen if the contractors fail to meet them.
Read more here about Water Charges
Can you please contact me re jobs for water Meter Installers, I will be happy to assist with referrals for jobs.
Bernei Connelly, Employment Services, Roscommon