What is happening with Water Charges in 2024 ?
The first “excessive usage” water charges were supposed to start around July 2019. These water charges were then delayed until ” at least October 2020″ – and the first bills were then expected sometime in 2022 .
The latest information from Irish Water is that the earliest that excess charges will apply is Q3 2023 at the earliest.
So the earliest any household will get a bill from Irish Water is October 2024.
History of the Water Charges
- Water charges were introduced in Ireland back in January 2015 – but they didn’t last very long .
- After protests and political bargaining – the Water Charges were eventually suspended in July 2016 for 9 months while an “expert group” looked into what to do next.
- In April 2017 – the suspension of charges was extended until July 2017 so that the recommendations of the “experts” could be considered by the politicians.
- A third extension of the suspension of water charges until 31st Dec 2017 was put in place in July 2017.
- Water Charges were no longer suspended from January 2018.
Although ongoing domestic charges for “normal” use of water have stopped – any household using amounts of water over a specified threshold will be charged for water usage that exceeds that threshold. * See below for the threshold figures
Monitoring of Water Usage
The monitoring of people’s usage under the new charging regime began on Jan 1st 2018. (Of course – only homes with water meters can be monitored).
Those households who are identified as using water above the annual threshold in the past 12 months will be notified. They will then be given a six month period during which they can try to reduce their water usage. If they haven’t done that by the end of the six months they will then be charged for any usage above the threshold for that six month period and any ongoing usage over the threshold.
Will Bills for Excess Usage of Water be issued in 2024 ?
The earliest any household will get a bill from Irish Water is October 2024
Irish Water has stated that they will not issue bills for Water Services provided to a Dwelling above the Annual Allowance before 1st October 2024, and these bills will cover a 12-month period commencing in Q3 2023 at the earliest.
How Much Is the Excess Water Threshold Figure ?
The water threshold figure was set in legislation in December 2017.
It is 213,000 litres per year .
Household water usage figures from the CER, show that the average water usage for a four-person household in Ireland is 125,000 litres a year – so the threshold is 1.7 times that.
Based on CER figures – it is estimated that about 7% of metered households will exceed this 213,000 litre threshold and could , therefore, expect to be asked to pay water charges for usage above the threshold.
It should be pretty difficult for households of less than 3 people to exceed this threshold – unless they are watering a large garden all the time or all bathing a couple of times a day!
To reach the threshold of 213,000 litres a year – a household of 3 or more people would probably need to be making daily use of a washing machine, having daily baths or daily use of a power shower and making regular use of a hosepipe or sprinkler and frequent use of water throughout the day. (Or have a leak)
Water Allowances for Larger Households :
There will be extra water allowances that can be claimed for households with 5 or more people. This extra allowance will be given for each person over and above 4 people. This allowance is 25,000 litres a year per person.
- So – for example ,
- 5 person household gets a total 238,000 litre threshold
- 6 person household gets a total 263,000 litre threshold.
(A person is any adult or child)
The extra allowances will not be automatic – households will need to “claim” it, but only when they are warned that they are exceeding the basic threshold. (Proof may be required of the number of occupants.)
(Note: About 27% of households in Ireland have 5 or more people – which is about 218,000 households .)
How Much Will The Irish Water Charges Be in 2024?
The charge going to be €3.70 per 1000 litres. (over the threshold)
So , a household using 50,000 litres of water over the annual threshold would be billed €185 in water charges for the year.
There is a maximum water charge of €500 a year. (€250 Water + €250 Waste)
The government says that homes will continue to be metered and meters will still be read at least every quarter so that any home using excessive amounts of water can be identified.
It is not clear how unmetered homes can be charged for any excessive use – because their usage will just not be known. But if an unmetered property is suspected of excessive use – a meter will be installed. If this is not possible then a flow monitoring device will be fitted. If excess usage is found- then they will be charged €500 a year.
Irish Water connection charges are €3929 for wastewater for a single domestic house plus €2,272 for a water connection .
This covers connection pipes of up 10 metres from the mains.
If the length of the connection pipe is between 10m and 15m – there is an extra charge of €358 per meter for water and €442 per meter for sewage.
Anything over that requires a quote from Irish Water.
Contact Details for Irish Water –
0818 778 778 or + 353 1 707 2827
Irish Water are still ignoring the fact that approaching half of the IW users have no meters installed. This means that they cannot be fined for excessive usage. The proposal is to fine excessive users with meters and to ignore excessive users without meters.
This plan is clearly discriminatory and it will take just one challenge to de-rail it.
It is clearly farcical to suggest that one section if IW customers will be tied to a quota while another large section will not.
Irish Water say that if an unmetered property is suspected of excessive use – a meter will be installed. If this is not possible then a flow monitoring device will be fitted. If excess usage is found- then they will be charged €500 a year.
How they will find the suspects is not clear .
I can get a well dug for 2500 max. How can it cost nearly 4000 for an IW CONNECTION….????
I paid some of my early water charges and left others unpaid when the suspensions/ refunds took effect. My water account still shows the unpaid ones and it seems they are still a debt due. Will I have to pay up sometime?
And what leads them to this suspicion? And what makes you think that a protester who has fought off installation already will accept one if under “suspicion”? Or a “flow-monitoring device”?
Do you really see this happening? I mean really?
Did they define what a good per day water usage level is? 583 litres seems a lot – if so whats the point?
Charging extra service fees for overuse of water without first investing in conservation is perverse and orwellian. Are they providing any investment in water conservation? Like making waterless toilets, rainwater capture and treatment, grey water systems and water circulation systems standard in homes? What about providing grants or discounts on the most water efficient appliances and preventing the sale of washing machines and dishwashers with highly wasteful 3 hour cycles? How about learning how to make efficient appliances like in first world countries like Japan?
No obviously because if they did things right then Irish water would be redundant.
Also that installation fee should be outlawed, its a disgrace. Why would i want to pay an extortionate, scandalous fee of €3929 for installation of a meter to measure usage of water supply that should and used to be paid for by motor tax and property tax, and could be prevented with real conservation?