The reductions to USC that were announced in Budget 2017 will have a fairly small effect on most people’s take home pay in 2017. In many cases – the extra weekly take home pay will be less than the €5 a week rise given to welfare and pension recipients.
Details of USC changes 2017 Here
Here is a simple table showing how the USC changes will affect a single earner. (Changes from January 2017)
Wage USC 2016 USC 2017 Diff/Yr Diff/Wkly
18000 300 215 242 5 *** see below
20000 393 290 103 1.98
25000 668 540 128 2.46
30000 943 790 153 2.94
35000 1218 1040 178 3.42
55000 2318 2040 278 5.34
70000 3143 2790 353 6.79
So – someone on the median wage of around €30,000 a year will see a decrease of just 2.94 a week in USC which is €153 a year or €12.75 a month.
*** €18000 wage assumes they are on min wage and wage will rise in line with min wage increase
Well done Mr Noonan ( teacher ! ) …. yet gain ignore the squeezed middle class family
Better off on social welfare Barely getting by as it is, going to gain around €3 week and if on welfare would get extra €5 week and a Christmas bonus_. Nurse