Training Grants for the Unemployed

Many people who are out of work might not be aware that there are grants of up to €500 a year available to help with the cost of certain training courses that could help them  get a job.

The Department Employment Affairs and Social Protection  (DEASP) will usually approve grants for training  – as long as it is not provided by the DEASP or any other State provider OR is not available quickly or in a suitable location.
The person need to be on Jobseekers Allowance or Jobseekers Benefit. (See below for other eligible benefits)

The training needs to be relevant to the work activation needs of the jobseeker and the  labour market conditions.   You probably won’t get training for baking if there are no baking job vacancies in your area. (etc)
The training will normally have to be agreed  as part of a personal progression/ action plan to enter or re-enter work.
Such training might include things like  Safe Pass , Security training, Essential Driver Training and HACCP.

The Training Support Grant is designed to fund quick access to short term training or related interventions, obtain or renew certification and permits for individual jobseekers that have identified work opportunities or where Case Officers have identified an immediate skills gap that represents an obstacle to taking up a job offer.

You can get funding of up to €500 a year under the scheme. (Note – the maximum grant for essential driver training is €250.)
All applications need to go through your case worker.

You will need to provide a cost quotation from the training provider. Normally the DSP will pay the grant after you have finished the training , done the relevant assessments and achieved certification.
Note :  Failing a test does not mean you won’t get the grant- as long as the trainer confirms the applicant undertook the full assessment but did not meet the standard required.

Other Benefits that will make you eligble for a training grant :

  • One Parent Family Payment
  • Blind Pension
  • Deserted Wife’s Benefit (DWB)
  • Farm/Fish Assist (FA)
  • Disability Allowance
  • Widows/Widowers Contributory or Non-Contributory Pension
  • Illness Benefit for 6 months or more
  • Qualified Adults of Jobseekers payment, who are job seeking.