TASC Budget 2013 Proposals

TASC is an independent think-tank  that is dedicated to addressing Ireland’s high level of economic inequality.

 These are a few of their Budget 2013 proposals

Property Tax   to be at a rate of 0.35%  ( Total Revenue 765 million) in place of Household Charge. (That would be €700 a year on a €200,000 home)

Landlords Tax – Reduce tax relief on interest repayments for residential rental properties from 75% to 40% and  apply PRSI to rental income

Reduce Agricultural Relief for Capital Acquisitions Tax from 90% to 50%

Reduce  tax relief on pension contributions to 20% (from 41%)

Reduce the tax exemption for lump sum pension payments to €31000

Introduce tax/ excise duty on saturated fat, added sugar and added salt

Increase the tax excise duty on a bottle of wine by €1.25

Increase the tax excise duty on a packet of cigarettes by 50 cents

Increase tax on betting shop profits to 5%

Introduce a tax on online gambling of 1%

Increase USC by 3% on all earned income above €100,000

Introduce a third band of employer’s PRSI contributions at 15% on the portion of salaries above €100,000

Reverse the Budget 2012 measures restricting the one parent family payment and also reverse the reduction in the earnings disregard announced in Budget 2012.

TASC also proposes that the cuts in fuel allowance and in home help hours and home care packages made in the last year should be reversed.

Budget 2013 Ireland