
M50 Toll Prices 2025

The Eflow M50 tolling system has been up and running since August 2008 . The system was operated by Emovis - In 2019 they made a profit of €1.63 million . Eflow is operated by Turas Mobility Services ...
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M50 Toll Fines and Penalty Charges

Drivers using the M50 should be aware that non-payment of the toll will result in fines (penalty charges) being applied by Eflow. The addition of penalties could bring the total amount due up as high as €169. There ...

Irish Drivers Wasting €9 Million a Year on M50 Toll Fines

According to figures from the National Road Authority  motorists that use the M50 toll road are forking out over €9 milion Euro a year in penalty charges.  That's over €173,000 a week being paid out in penalties that ...

M50 Toll Company made €2.6 Million

The company that runs the M50 tolling operation made a profit in 2014 of €2.6 million. Pre-tax profits at the consortium that operates the e-Flow toll on the M50 and other motorways fell 6% to €2.6m in 2014, ...