Stamp Duty Rates in Ireland

Irish Stamp Duty Rates in 2024

All house purchases in Ireland are liable for stamp duty since all Stamp Duty exemptions were removed in December 2010.
(Prior to December 2010 there was zero Stamp Duty on houses  below €125,000, 7% stamp duty on the next € 875,000 and 9% on the balance.)

Stamp Duty Rates on Residential Property Purchases in Ireland 2024.

  • There is a 1% stamp duty on properties valued under 1 Million Euro
  • For properties valued over €1 million, a stamp duty rate of 1% applies to the first €1 million and a rate of 2% applies to the balance.
  • 10% Stamp Duty – On Bulk Purchases of Property . This began in May 2021. This rate applies to bulk purchases of property (ten or more).
    • The 10% stamp duty is triggered on the purchase of the tenth property. This will apply on bulk purchases of ten or more houses, and on ten purchases of ten separate properties over a twelve-month period.
      The increased rate will apply retrospectively to the other 9 units on the purchase on the tenth unit. Any properties acquired prior to 20 May 2021 will count towards the threshold of ten units, but the 10% rate will apply only to the units acquired on or after 20 May 2021.

The following are outside the scope of the 10% stamp duty rate :

  1. Residential units in apartment blocks,
  2. Purchases of properties by Housing authorities, the Housing Agency and other approved housing bodies.

Examples of Stamp Duty Amounts

Stamp Duty on Residential Property in Ireland
House PriceStamp Duty

Residential property for Stamp Duty purposes is defined as :

  • a building, or part of a building,  used, or suitable for use, as a dwelling, in the course of being built, or adapted for use, as a dwelling
  • had been built or adapted for use as a dwelling, and had not since been adapted for any other use
  • the area attached to the residential property (for example, the garden or yard), excluding the site of the residential property up to one acre.
    (Any area in excess of one acre is classed as non-residential property).

Residential property also includes a derelict or uninhabitable house.

Stamp Duty on New Houses

VAT is charged on some residential properties. If you buy a brand new house from a builder or developer, you will pay VAT at 13.5%.

If you pay VAT on a new house, you only pay stamp duty on the price of the house before VAT.

So, for example,: a new house costing €340,500 (including VAT).
Made up of a base price of €300,000 plus 13.5% VAT (€40,5000).
In this case, stamp duty is due on the base price of €300,000 at 1% – which is €3000.

If you buy a “second hand”  or existing property, you do not have to pay VAT.

More information on conveyancing and legal costs when buying a house in Ireland

Stamp duty on non-residential property.

The stamp duty rate on the purchase of non-residential property in 2024 is 7.5% .
It was increased from 6% to 7.5% in  October 2019.

However, land used to develop dwelling units may qualify for a stamp duty refund of up to two-thirds of the Stamp Duty paid.

More on Stamp Duty Refunds Here

Stamp Duty Rates in Ireland on Stocks and Shares

Stamp Duty is also payable on the purchase of shares.

Irish Stock Market Shares – Stamp Duty is charged at 1%

Shares purchased on UK Stock Markets – Stamp Duty is 0.5%

Shares bought on USA / EU or other stock exchanges – No Stamp Duty

Most brokers will automatically charge the relevant stamp duty (Degiro for example)

Officially – buying shares in an Irish-based company on a foreign stock exchange is also liable to Irish stamp duty. However – the stamp duty should be declared to Revenue by the buyer – it won’t usually be charged by an online broker or platform.

More information here about Buying Shares in Ireland

Details of Tax on Shares in Ireland

You might also be interested in this information on Inheritance Tax in Ireland

2 thoughts on “Stamp Duty Rates in Ireland

    • The rate for a house sold for €325k in 2003 was 4.5% for first-time buyers and 6% for others.
      So it would have been €14625 for a FTB otherwise – €19500

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