Property Tax Returns Deadline June 30th

The original deadline for filing the Local Property Tax returns was May 29th (May 7th for paper returns). Revenue are now saying that all returns – paper and online – are still being accepted and should be in before  July 1st.

During July  –  Revenue will be writing to people who they think are home owners and have not yet filed an LPT return . They will be going after people in employment first – because they will have tax records for them already and will be easily able to decuct the tax from wages.

If  you get  a reminder letter and you are not the liable person – you should contact the LPT helpline on 1890 200 255.

If you get  a reminder but you have  already filed a return you should also  should contact the LPT helpline.

More here about the Property Tax Amounts and Property Tax Penalties