As a result of the liquidation of Irish Bank Resolution Corporation Limited (IBRC), formerly Anglo Irish Bank on Thursday 7 February 2013, they are no longer able to receive payments.
You will no longer be able to make Payments to the following Bank sortcodes
– 939080
– 939048
– 990220
– 990225
IBRC no longer has a banking licence which means that direct debits that were set up by mortgage holders set up with the old Irish Nationwide ,will have ceased to operate.
Customers are being told that there will be no penalties for any delay in making payments arising from the disruption caused by the liquidation.
For all queries relating to the payment or collection of IBRC cheques and/or bank drafts, as well as any other queries which you may have regarding the liquidation of IBRC, a special telephone helpline has been opened by the liquidator. The helpline number is 1800 303 632 .