Electricity and Gas Prices – Don’t be Fooled

With the deregulation of the home energy market in Ireland , back in 2011, came an increase in hard sell tactics and advertising campaigns.

Here in Ireland, doorstep and on-street sales are still used by some energy companies.  There has been recent activity by PrePayPower and Just Energy.

Doorstep sales usually involves using commission based staff  who are under pressure to sell.  They will try to persuade potential customers that an energy provider is the cheapest – when in fact the opposite might be true.


Doorstep sales people can confuse householders with complex figures on savings and discount percentages.  But – a 30% discount from one supplier can still end up being more expensive than a 20% discount from another.

It is very difficult to compare a new offer with your current provider or other providers on the doorstep.  Remember – if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.  Ask the salesperson for a copy of the offer or a brochure. If they do not give you this information, consider not buying the offer until they do, or until you review the details on the company’s website.

Our advice is not to switch energy supplier on your doorstep or in the street.

You should check our most recent  energy price comparison – where we  found that a typical dual fuel medium usage household that has never switched energy provider could cut their fuel bills by as much as €350 over 12 months .  (figures from Autumn 2019).

In the UK – where there are many more energy suppliers – there was evidence of doorstep salesmen  pressurising consumers into signing up for unsuitable gas and electricity tariffs. The UK energy regulator  estimated  in 2011 that 40% of people who switched did not get a better deal.   Since 2011 – most of the major UK energy suppliers have stopped using door to door sales.

For more  facts on energy prices – check out our pages on the cheapest gas prices here – and cheapest electricity prices here