These are some of the spending cuts announced in the education area in Budget 2013.
The cut to funding of fee paying schools was highlighted before the budget – and a small cut is been made to the roughly €100 million given to these schools.
The pupil teacher ratio used to calculate funding for fee paying schools is to increase by 2 . This will nean a drop in funding of €6 Million a year.
But – there is also a similar increase for Post Leaving Cert courses – which will mean a €12 million a year cut in funding for them .
Third Level Education : An increase to the student contribution of €250 in each of 2013, 2014 and 2015 (€55 million saving a year by 2015)
There is also (hidden in the small print) a 3% increase in the student grant income threshold in 2013 – which is expected to reduce grant payouts by €5 million a year.