Budget 2022 revealed that the Social Welfare Payments Christmas Bonus will be 100% in 2021.
When is the Christmas Bonus 2021 Payment Date?
The Social Welfare Christmas bonus for weekly pensions and welfare benefits will be paid out in the week between December 6th and December 10th 2021. It will be paid along with your normal weekly payment on your usual payment day.
If you are getting Domiciliary Care Allowance (DCA), the bonus will be paid with your monthly December 2021 payment which is due on 21st Dec.
How Much is the Christmas Bonus in 2021?
The 2021 Christmas Bonus will be 100% of your usual weekly pension or benefit payment.
That means all eligible recipients will get a bonus amount equal to their normal weekly payment paid in addition to the normal weekly payment.
The minimum Christmas Bonus payment is €20 .
In 2017 the Christmas bonus was 85% of the normal weekly rate. In 2018, it was put back up to 100% and was 100% in 2019 and 2020.
Jobseekers Christmas Bonus
If you are getting a Jobseeker’s payment you will be entitled to the Christmas bonus if: your claim has been in payment for 312 days or more, or have been in receipt of a combination of qualifying payments for 312 days.
Time spent on the Pandemic Unemployment Payment is included in jobseeker qualifying period.
Christmas Double Payment Week
This Christmas Bonus should not be confused with the usual “double week” of weekly welfare and pension payments that are also paid out just before Christmas.
This double payment week happens because of the bank and post office closures. It is then followed by a week with no payments. The 2021 welfare double week is going to be the week beginning December 20th 2021 . Monthly payments are not affected.
More details of the Double Payment Week Here
Who Will Get The Christmas Bonus in 2021?
A List of all Pensions and Benefits that will be eligible for the 2021 Christmas Bonus .
- Back to Education Allowance in some cases
- Back to Work Enterprise Allowance
- Back to Work Family Dividend
- Blind Pension
- Carer’s Allowance
- Carer’s Benefit
- Community Employment Schemes
- COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment in some cases
- Daily Expenses Allowance
- Deserted Wife’s Benefit and Allowance
- Disability Allowance
- Disablement Benefit
- Domiciliary Care Allowance
- Farm Assist
- Guardian’s payments (Contributory and Non- Contributory)
- Invalidity Pension
- Job Initiative
- Jobseeker’s Allowance ( long term)
- Jobseeker’s Benefit in some cases
- Jobseeker’s Transition Payment
- Magdalene Commission Scheme
- One-Parent Family Payment
- Partial Capacity Benefit
- Part-time Job Incentive
- Rural Social Scheme
- State Pensions (Contributory and Non- Contributory)
- Supplementary Welfare Allowance
- Widow’s/Widower’s/Surviving Civil Partner’s Pensions (Contributory and Non- Contributory)
The Christmas bonus will only be paid to anyone who is getting one of the payments listed above.
FIS / Working Family Payment is not eligible, nor is Illness Benefit or Maternity Benefit .
Please do not ask us why – we don’t set the rules.
The 2021 Christmas Bonus is not due on the Fuel Allowance or Rent Allowance.
UK Christmas Bonus
The Christmas Bonus for pensioners in Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK is just £10. This bonus is only payable to pensioners and people getting disability or
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