When you open a bank account in Ireland you are routinely asked to provide a PPS number – but do you have to provide one? The PPSN is the number used to identify taxpayers in Ireland . (Full name is the Personal Public Service Number ),This number is issued by the Department of Social Protection […]
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Mortgage Interest Relief
Mortgage Tax Relief Cut for Some Borrowers
According to the legislation – mortgage interest relief should be based on the amount of mortgage interest actually paid in a tax year. Up to now many lenders operated the relief scheme based on the amount of interest that was charged on a mortgage – even if the borrower did not actually pay that amount […]
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Mortgage Tax Relief Ending Soon
There is less than 3 months left before mortgage interest tax relief (TRS) will be abolished on new mortgages in Ireland . Any Mortgages taken out on or after 1 January 2013 will not qualify for any mortgage interest relief. This was announced in Budget 2012 back in December 2011. On a Mortgage of €180,000 […]
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TRS Increase to 30% – Ulster Bank Customers Still Waiting
In the 2012 Budget – back in December 2011 it was announced that mortgage interest relief would be increased to 30% for those who bought their homes between 2004 and 2008. It seem that Ulster Bank still haven’t implemented this change fully yet. Ulster Bank say they are liaising closely with Revenue to implement these changes […]
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30% Mortgage Interest Relief Delayed for Thousands
Thousands of mortgage payers still haven’t received the promised increase in mortgage interest relief that was announced in Budget 2012. (Also known as TRS) See details of TRS Budget 2012 Changes The higher 30% interest relief was promised for people who bought their first home between 2004 and 2008. It is now May – and […]
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