The ongoing fiasco of the eVoting machines that cost Irish taxpayers around €50 Million – has come to an end. Phil Hogan has announced that a contract has been awarded for the disposal of the electronic voting equipment. KMK Metals Recycling Ltd will be paying €70,267 for them and will be recycling them. The eVoting […]
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Election 2011
The Labour Party and Your Money
The Labour party has a chance of being in coalition with Fine Gael after this Friday’s General Election – if the polls are correct. Here are some of the Labour policies that could affect the Euro in your pocket. Income Tax Labour has pledged that it will not increase income tax on single incomes under […]
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How a Fine Gael Government will affect your Finances
It is looking very likely that Fine Gael will be in government after the 25th February election – either in a coalition or in sole power. How will a Fine Gael government affect the money in your pocket? These are some of the FG policies that could have a direct effect on your income and […]
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How to Register to Vote in the Election
We all like to moan about the politicians – but voting is the only chance we have to do anything about who is in power. Make sure you will be able to Vote on March 11th: Every local authority in Ireland compiles and publishes a list of voters in its area. This is called the […]
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Irish General Election Date
The date for the General Election in Ireland has finally been set – it will be on Friday 11th March 2011. The Taoiseach Brian Cowen announced it today in the Dail. Update – it could now be Feb 25th – Brian Cowen made the announcement in the Dáil as he reassigned the portfolio’s of the […]
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