The Central Statistics Office have released some figures on 2011 household incomes and poverty levels in Ireland . The press and TV have all picked up on the poverty figures with headlines such as “Record numbers in Poverty” – but what do these figures really mean? The CSO say that 16% of the population are […]
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Disposable Income
Income Survey Shows Contrasting Results
The latest results of a financial survey organised by the Irish League of Credit Unions were released today. It’s called the “What’s Left Tracker ” – and one of the statistics collected is how much spare cash people have left each month after all bills have been paid. (It doesn’t specify exactly what bills are […]
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Household Income in Ireland Hit Hardest by Austerity
A recent EU study showed that households in Ireland experienced , in relative terms , the largest reductions in disposable income because of austerity measures imposed on them. The study by the “Social Situation Observatory’” compared the impact of austerity measures implemented over the period 2009-2011 in six European countries, namely Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Portugal, […]
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Disposable Income Figures in Ireland
Below is is a post which we have from November 2009 – which makes interesting reading in the light of the today’s minimum wage reduction and the forthcoming Budget 2011 which is expected to cut many welfare benefits….. The CSO published a report in 2009 – “Survey on Income and Living Conditions ” which several […]
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