Back in June we did a small comparison of the cost of car insurance for learner drivers in Ireland . Car Insurance for Learner Drivers June 2012.
We found that several insurers wouldn’t even quote for learner drivers – and that premiums were as high as €5878 a year .
In September 2012 a comparison was carried out in Ireland by the National Consumer Agency. They checked out the cost of insuring a 20 year old student with only a provisional licence, driving a 1.2 litre car.
The prices quoted for comprehensive insurance ranged from €4731 a year to €2453 a year for a male. The lowest price was from AXA .
For a female – the prices were lower – with the cheapest quote from Zurich Insurance of €1584. (Almost a €1000 cheaper than the cheapest quote for a male.)
For third party , fire and theft insurance the prices were a bit lower – with AXA giving the lowest quotes for both males and females. (€1967 for male and €1297 for a female.)
The comparison by the NCA obtained quotes from AXA, Zurich, Liberty Insurance, Aviva and Allianz. FBD , Chartis and RSA wouldn’t quote.
You may be able to get cheaper prices from brokers.
The days of lower cost car insurance for females is soon coming to an end. From December 2012 insurers will have to quote the same price to men and women. Read more about Insurance Prices Rising for Women