Budget 2015 – Have Your Say

Call for pre-Budget 2015 submissions

Budget day for the 2015 Budget will be on October 14th 2014.

The Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform are already inviting written submissions on Budget 2015 – and the closing date is in a week’s time.

They say they welcome ” submissions which inform its consideration of broader issues of macro-budgetary strategy, balance and impact.

The committee say it it would be helpful if contributors were to suggest ways in which the cost of their proposals might be met.
The Committee is conscious that contributors with limited resources may not be in a position to present detailed analysis in support of their proposals. However, it is envisaged that better resourced organisations would support their proposals with a level of evidence and analysis commensurate with their capacity.

The Committee encourages contributors to keep submissions concise and to the point. All submissions must be accompanied by a summary of not more than two pages.

Submissions should include full contact details including the name of a liaison person, postal address, e-mail address and telephone number. Anonymous submissions will not be considered.

Submissions should be addressed to the Clerk to the Joint Committee and received not later than 6 p.m. on Monday, 16 June, 2014.
Submissions may be made by e-mail to fincom@oireachtas.ie or by post to –

The Clerk, Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform,

Committees Secretariat, Leinster House, Dublin 2.

Where submissions are sent by e-mail, Microsoft Word or equivalent formats are preferred.

1 thoughts on “Budget 2015 – Have Your Say

  1. submissions along the lines of “Tax de rich” will not be considered.

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