Budget 2013 Some Fianna Fail Proposals

With Budget 2013  only a few days away (Dec 5th) –  no one is sure of exactly what the government plans are . We have had a few ideas of What Might  be in Budget 2013  – but we will have to wait for the full details in less than 2 weeks.

There have been a few other proposals for Budget 2013 published recently by opposition parties  – so we have done a quick summary of what the opposition parties have been saying they would do.

Fianna Fail :

Property Tax :  – even though they were in government when a property tax was agreed with the Troika , Fianna Fail are now saying that it is not the right time for a property tax to be introduced.

USC :   Increase by 3% on earnings over €100,000

Tax relief on pension contribution:  Cut to 30% and reduce the cap on the annual amount attracting relief  from €115,000 to €70,000.

Public Sector Pensions : pensions between €75,000 and €100,000 to be reduced by 25% and any excess over €100,000 to be reduced by 30%

Mortage Interest Relief :  Extend it for  First Time buyers for a further 12months.

Agricultural diesel duty –  raise it to be thae same as other motor fuels.

New tax credit of up to €2,500 to be made available for approved home improvement works .

Alcohol :  A new levy of 10% on alcohol sales in off licences.

Fat Tax :  A new Excise duty on high sugar/salt foods (ie 3c on bar of chocolate)

Capital Gains Tax and Capital Aquisitions Taxes increase rate to to 35%

Increase duty on Tobacco

Rent Supplement – Increase of €4 per week in the tenant contribution for individuals ( €8couples) .

NPPR  “restructure”  to focus on high value homes and get 35 Million more revenue

Increase prescription charges for medical card holders to €1.50

Redesign of motor tax system including rate increases and abolish the “off the road” zero tax facility .

DIRT increase from 30% to 35%

Increase excise duty on a bottle of wine by € 0.75 per bottle

Personal Injury compensation payments to be made annually or monthly instead of a lump sum.

Some Sinn Fein Budget Proposals Here

1 thoughts on “Budget 2013 Some Fianna Fail Proposals

  1. Hi,
    Ireland needs a “fair budget”,one hot topic is,Reducing car tax by at least 25 percent to caver all cars up to 2.2 ltrs any cars above 2.2ltrs should be taxed at a higher rate. this should be looked as increaces can be made in many many other areas also.

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