Advertising For Household Charge Cost over €300,000

It has been revealed in a written reply in the Dail that  ask the  cost of advertising undertaken to date  for the Household Charge is €302,954.

Gerry Adams of Sinn Fein asked if the  Minister of  the Environment had any contact with the Local Government Management Agency in relation to their plans for an advertising campaign on the household charge and ; if his attention has been drawn to the total costs of the advertising campaign on the household charge.

Phil Hogan’s reply was as follows  “The Local Government Management Agency (LGMA) is administering the household charge system on a shared service/agency basis for all county and city councils. The administration costs, including those in relation advertising, are a matter for the LGMA and the county and city councils. My Department is represented on the Household Charge Project Board which is overseeing the household charge and I am kept informed of the Board’s decisions, including those in relation to advertising. The household charge administration costs are being recouped from the Local Government Fund, into which the proceeds of the household charge are being paid by the LGMA. The cost of advertising undertaken to date is €302,954.”